The Tutorial Program is, in some ways, similar to other study abroad programs commonly offered.  在赌博导航所有网站大全接受训练后, students spend one or 两个 semesters of their junior or senior year as visiting students at the University of Oxford. 不像一些留学项目, Georgetown College students in the Tutorial Program are not going to spend time in the city of Oxford with their own American faculty members. Our students take Oxford tutorials with Oxford tutors and are given full University privileges.


The Tutorial Program is named after the style of teaching made famous by Oxford and Cambridge Universities. 而不是和其他学生一起上课, Oxford students spend a great deal of their time doing independent thinking, 阅读, and writing based on essay assignments given by their Oxford teachers (known as tutors). They then present and defend their work one on one (or in some cases in groups of 2 or 3) with their tutors. The method challenges students to meet their highest potential as thinkers and writers.


Because the Tutorial method is not familiar to most American students, those who participate in the Tutorial Program are given a careful training prior to their time abroad. 在大二或者大三的时候, students will take a training tutorial in their discipline at Georgetown College. Our faculty tutors will help our students develop the skills necessary to succeed at Oxford. 成功完成练习教程后, our students will be interviewed by faculty members from Regent’s Park College and submit a writing sample before final admissions decisions are reached.


Students typically take tutorials at Oxford in their major or minor area from Georgetown College, but some students have taken tutorials in areas where they have demonstrated proficiency without necessarily declaring it a major or minor. There is some flexibility in the kinds of courses that can be offered through Regent’s Park, but their strengths will lie in what are commonly called humanities or social sciences subjects in the United States. 以下是最常见的主题领域:

  • 英语
  • 哲学
  • 宗教和神学
  • 历史
  • 艺术历史
  • 经济学
  • 政治
  • 社会学
  • 心理学
  • 外语(西班牙语)
  • 经典
  • 数学

Within those broad subject areas specific tutorial topics are selected in careful consultation with the Director of Oxford Programs to satisfy major or minor requirements in light of common offerings at Oxford. For those who are not planning on majoring or minoring in one of these areas, we can work early to develop a strong set of elective classes in one of these areas making the Tutorial Program available to almost all students at Georgetown (regardless of major/minor) who are otherwise qualified.


Credits earned through Regent’s Park College in the University of Oxford automatically transfer into the student’s record at Georgetown College. The grade earned while at Oxford will also be factored into the student’s Georgetown GPA. There are three terms at the University of Oxford, each of which has a distinct name:

  • 米迦勒节从10月持续到12月
  • 希拉里的任期从1月持续到3月
  • 三一学院的学期从四月到六月.

我们的学生可以要求一个, 两个, 或者在任何一个学年里有三个学期, but the number of terms awarded will be determined by the space available.  在牛津的每个学期里, the student does one full tutorial and an additional half tutorial which, 结合, transfer to Georgetown College as 12 hours of upper level credit in the relevant discipline(s). 例如, 如果有人同时获得希拉里和三一学院的条件, 他或她将带着总共24小时的高水平时间回来. If someone just goes for Michaelmas term, he or she would return with 12 hours upper level credit.


对我们绝大多数学生来说, there is no difference between the costs of a semester at Georgetown and a semester at Regent’s Park. Financial aid typically applied at Georgetown will also be in effect.  Regular student tuition and fees paid to Georgetown will cover tuition, 一周15顿饭, accommodations (either in College at Regent’s or elsewhere in Oxford), 和图书馆的特权.

The students themselves will be responsible for health insurance (required for participation in the program), 往返于牛津, 周末聚餐. Participants should also plan for additional expenditures for personal expenses such as souvenirs and independent travel based on their individual spending habits.

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